Humans, people, like us, don’t buy products and services from ‘companies’ they buy these products and services from other humans, from other people.

For a long time, we have been trained to think and speak the B2B ‘business to business’ or B2C ‘business to consumer’ lingo, and this seemed to be an effective way of doing things – until 2014, when Bryan Kramer put into book and Kindle form, what everyone had really been thinking. Business interactions are just human interactions and we need to remember this.

The best way to really wrap your head around this, is to think about your morning café run, to get your daily hit of caffeine. You stroll into your favourite coffee shop, you smell the freshly ground beans and hear the hum of people chatting away, there is an exchange of smiles, a fuzziness of emotions. Everything is how it should be.

Imagine again – walking into this same café, smelling and hearing the same things – however getting a sense that something isn’t right. You look around and notice that instead of café staff and baristas, there are machines, computers and robots (we’re talking the metal, steel, flashing light kind of robots!) running the place. These robots don’t have the emotional intelligence to ask about your daughter’s basketball game, or remember that on Wednesday’s you have a double shot espresso. They take your order and don’t even know your name.

Getting your caffeine fix would be a completely different experience, wouldn’t it? And it just wouldn’t be right.

If you’d rather pick up the phone and speak with someone directly or meet with someone face to face, then you’re one of a growing number of people looking to return to the Human to Human way of communicating. In an industry like Finance and Investment, full of figures, stats, computers and ATMs, it’s easy to assume that things don’t have to get ‘real’, that your Broker can just treat you like a number. We’re here to say, that we’re all 100%, completely, undeniably human and we’d love to chat with you.


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Lauren Said, Manager – Marketing and Communications.
Learn more about Lauren.