Let’s face it. You probably haven’t done this for a while. Now what?
Well, like all unfamiliar situations, breaking it down into a couple of simple steps can make it a whole lot easier. Here’s how that might look when seeking to refinance your property.
Step 1. The BIG picture.
Ask yourself what are you trying to achieve? Sounds a silly question, but being clear about what the end state should look like, enables you to focus on what really matters. Also, ask yourself what is important to you?
Step 2. Engage an expert.
When you engage an AUS Finance Group consultant, you have access to two things that matter;
- The broad finance market place with literally hundreds of mortgage products on offer (remember, when going directly to a bank they will only offer you one of their own products);
- Someone to navigate through it all on your behalf.
And here’s the best part – in most cases, the consultant is paid by the lender, not you. So you reap the benefit of being provided with a service, paid for by someone else.
Step 3. Get “match ready”.
There is no escaping this! No matter where you go for finance, you will be required to provide supporting information. That breaks down into things such as:
- Providing identification (where did I put that Passport?)
- Providing past financial history (do I have all my bank statements?)
- Providing income history (hmm! …. I haven’t done last year’s tax.)
Your finance consultant will provide a list of what is required in your particular situation. In the meantime, get your paperwork up to date. It will save you a lot of time in the long run and help shorten the process.
Peter Webb – Business Development Manager
Disclaimer: This article has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and should be regarded as general advice only. Before acting on this advice you should consider whether it is appropriate for your needs and has regard for your own objectives and financial situation. We encourage you to consult a finance professional before acting on any advice provided in this article or found on this website.